Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word. - George R.R. Martin
11/24/2017 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
I hope & pray that sweet memories bring peace & comfort to your loved ones today & throughout this holiday season ~♥~
11/23/2017 dragan's dad to Thanksgiv. Day
The hardest time is always during the holidays, because our hearts know that someone loved is missing….
11/22/2017 Mom
Not sure how 5 years have gone by. Love and miss you with every breath
11/22/2017 dragan's dad
You left this Earth on this day awhile ago to go home. Remembering candle for you,and all the Angels by your side.
11/18/2017 dragan's dad
Death doesn't end the relationship, it simply forges a new type of relationship, one based not on physical presence,but on memory, spirit and love.~ A.D.Bush ~
11/12/2017 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
It's hard to believe
You are no longer here
We think of you
You feel so near
In some small way every single day
Memories of you come our way
10/31/2017 dragan’s dad Ѽ Happy Halloween
Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen,
Voices whisper in the trees, "Tonight is Halloween!" Ѽ
Dexter Kozen
10/28/2017 dragan's dad
Nothing beautiful in this world is ever really lost... All things beloved live on in our hearts... Forever.
10/21/2017 dragan's dad
Those who think that through time memories of our loved ones fade... they have never lost part of their heart
10/14/2017 dragan's dad
Angel, wishing you and your loved ones a gentle, peaceful & blessed weekend
09/30/2017 dragan's dad
Remembering candle in honor of you. Wishing your family a blessed weekend.
09/23/2017 dragan's dad
All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen. ~ R.W.Emerson~
09/09/2017 dragan's dad
May your smile brighten the heavens. I wish your family peace…